Just a month after taking office, Keir Starmer is facing his first major crisis. In response, he has promised firmness. The Prime Minister remains eagerly awaited on his management of the post-crisis period and the way in which he will address issues such as immigration, as he promised to do during his campaign.

Press conference, televised address, emergency meeting… Since the beginning of the crisis in the United Kingdom, Keir Starmer, the new Prime Minister, has multiplied interventions. These riots are not a first for this former lawyer who, for five years, headed the country’s public prosecutor’s office, including during the last major disturbances.

In 2011, 3,000 people were arrested and some of them were charged, sometimes sentenced to harsh prison terms.

From the first months

The Guardian newspaper notes that while the riots of 13 years ago prepared Starmer for power, it will be much harder for him to tackle the deeper roots of the protests. Perhaps the time will come when the British prime minister will have to confront the anti-migrant rhetoric behind the violence.

It is only in the coming months that the British will truly judge their new Prime Minister. In the United Kingdom, the Labour government is facing the worst riots the country has seen in more than a decade.
