To the editor:

Joe Biden has pulled it off. He has managed to put in line for the Presidency someone who, if through some awful result is elected, will take the prize as the worst President ever. Kamala Harris is a first-class communist policyist who combines her outlandish socialist proposals with obvious stupidity in that she has no idea as to the chaos her proposals would cause.

The list of her ridiculous proposals is long. You can hear them almost hourly on FOX radio or TV. From open borders to defunding the police, she has expressed more anti-American ideas than anyone else on the political scene including Bernie Sanders. She is actually to the left of the avowed communist senator from Vermont.

Why has the Democrat party put forward such an unqualified candidate? Her term as Vice President hasn’t shown her to have any leadership skill. It has to be that the party feels they can control her, she would be a figurehead President for the party leaders behind the curtain. This short list includes Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Since they were obviously behind pushing Biden out of running, we can be sure they expect to control an otherwise inept Kamala Harris should she actually be elected.

Neil Miller

Cape Coral
