There’s an unspoken power in being able to take up space while successfully navigating rooms (and events) that weren’t otherwise created with you in mind. When INFINITI invited me to be their guest at the 2024 Monterey Car Week, it was almost a no-brainer for me to say yes.

Monterey Car Week is a very prestigious and exclusive weeklong celebration centered around the luxury auto space. While I can’t speak to the specific demographic statistics, what I can say is there weren’t many people who looked like me in attendance. Also, I must admit that as a young Black woman, this was never on my radar. Not because I’m uninterested in the luxury car world (I love cars), but because I wasn’t aware that this existed—something I’m sure other Black and brown folks can relate to.

In the days leading up to my departure to Monterey, California—specifically Pebble Beach—I perused various social media pages and links provided to me. This was not only to learn more about the event but to ensure I could enter the week with confidence. That same confidence is a trait that Craig Keeys, Group Vice President of the Americas for INFINITI, says is essential for more of us to step into our power at similar events.

Image: courtesy of the author.

“I always instill confidence in my employees,” Keeys tells EBONY during a private dinner hosted by his brand. “By doing so, it empowers them to walk into rooms more comfortably. I also feel it is needed to get more of us into these types of spaces as well. But first, we must educate ourselves, too. There are too many resources literally in the palm of our hand for us not to be aware of spaces like this and to ultimately be a part of them. We definitely deserve to be here, too.”

Keeys further shared that to do his part in diversifying said spaces, he actively supports the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers. It’s an organization dedicated to advocating for diversity and inclusion in the auto industry.

Experiencing my first luxury car week

I arrived on a Thursday afternoon, with most of the official festivities beginning on Friday. Throughout the week, there were dozens of ancillary events, parties and pop-ups hosted by individual car brands in attendance like INFINITI, Mercedes, Range Rover, Bentley and more.

First up for me was The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering. Situated on the lush greens of the Quail Lodge and Golf Club, the event displayed some of the world’s most high-end cars and supercars. I’m talking Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti and even foreign brands that are rare in the United States. I spent that day marveling at the cars, listening to brand reps talk about new models and what’s to come. In attendance were a few young Black men who were also avid car enthusiasts. When our paths crossed, they made a point to say, “I’m happy to see you here, because you don’t often find many of us at this event.”

Image: Courtesy of the author.

This true statement empowered me to hold my head higher as I continued to interact with the other guests and brands in attendance. There were a few encounters in which folks asked me what I did for work or what my tie was to the event. I didn’t take it negatively at all, but more of an opportunity to break down any stereotypes around a Black woman (or man) being in attendance—further emboldening me to move confidently through the event.

My second full day brought time to simply explore Monterey, California. INFINITI provided me with the all-new 2025 QX80 for the day as I grabbed lunch on the water, got up close with wild seals at San Carlos Beach, took some photos with my Google Pixel 9 and popped into local creamery, Revival, for a scoop of the famous Bee’s Knees ice cream. It was certainly a day well spent and much needed as I recharged ahead of the main event—the 73rd Concours d’Elegance.

Exploring Monterey in the 2025 INFINITI QX80. Image: Courtesy of the author.

Concours is the pinnacle of Monterey Car Week. The best way to describe it is the Kentucky Derby or a fancy garden party for high-end vintage vehicles. Taking place on the famous Pebble Beach golf course, one of the world’s most famous greens, owners and enthusiasts alike gathered as panels of judges awarded various esteemed honors to an array of automobile collectors throughout the day.

As I moved across the lawn to take in the display of vehicles, I was blown away by the amount of wealth around me. But it also brought a bit of frustration in knowing that more of our community isn’t aware of the event. Yes, I understand the entry fee can be pricey. However, we not only enjoy and appreciate spaces like this but can also hold their own while there too.

I saw everything from a 1971 Rolls Royce that had been restored to include a full, wood-grain-accented bar in the backseat, an Acura SUV prototype that may be released to the public in coming years, as well as vintage two-seater Bugatti models that had me doing a double take. The Concours concluded with the naming of the esteemed “Best in Show,” which was awarded to a 1934 Bugatti Type 9.

Image: courtesy of the author.

All-in-all, I enjoyed the experience and would certainly attend again or even similar events in the future. Because after all, we deserve to be there.
