A tagline we have used at the Philadelphia Trumpet is “tomorrow’s news today.” Other publications report on what happened today or yesterday, but the Trumpet uses the right understanding of Bible prophecy to tell you what will happen tomorrow.

Telling people tomorrow’s news today is exactly what we did in our September 2024 issue. In his article “America’s Supreme Court Has Fulfilled Bible Prophecy,” my father, editor in chief Gerald Flurry, explained that Amos 7:1-6 is actually a prophecy about Barack Obama afflicting the modern nations of Israel, especially the United States, Britain and the State of Israel. He wrote that, after the first six verses of this prophecy, this afflicter is conspicuously absent.

“Why the omission?” he asked. “I have come to realize that the reason God does not mention this modern-day type of Antiochus in this passage is that He is beginning to silence this man! Barack Obama’s power is diminishing before our eyes.”

This issue of the Trumpet went to press more than two months before the 2024 U.S. presidential elections. My father made similar comments in sermons given on Dec. 4, 2021; Dec. 9, 2023; and July 6, 2024. There was no evidence before the 2024 elections that Obama was about to be silenced, so other news sources did not report on this story. (Many of them still weren’t even reporting that Obama was the one who was orchestrating the radicalism and self-destruction in America that had mystified the whole world.) The Philadelphia Trumpet was one of the first and most consistent to say that the destruction traced directly back to Obama, and it was the only one that said he was about to be silenced—not because of polling or insider information or anything else besides a unique and correct understanding of Bible prophecy and what it says and doesn’t say about the Obama Antiochus, the Trump Jeroboam and an end-time type of the Prophet Amos.

After Obama was silenced, other news sources began catching on. The Guardian reported on November 8 that “The Long Obama Era Is Over.” The same day, Unherd reported “How Trump Crushed Obama’s Legacy.” On December 9, Daily Mail ran the headline “Obama’s Biographer Reveals Ex-President Fears for His Legacy After ‘Tone-deaf Preaching’ Harmed Harris Campaign.” Four days later, the New York Times announced “The End of the Obama Coalition.” American Greatness called Obama “The Political Genius Who Wasn’t.” The Washington Examiner proclaimed that the Democratic Party was “No Longer the Party of Obama.” RealClearPolitics talked about “The Evaporation of the Obama Mystique.” Meanwhile, Tablet reported on “How Obama Built an Omnipotent Thought-Machine, and How It Was Destroyed.”

All of these headlines argue that Obama is a has-been. But only the Trumpet told you back in September that God “is beginning to silence this man! Barack Obama’s power is diminishing before our eyes.” Those two words are perhaps the best description of what happened to this deceptive and destructive man who once had immense power!

The media used to swoon before Obama and do everything it could to cover up his corruption. Now even the Wall Street Journal admits that Obama was America’s puppet master for years. In “How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge,” the Journal admits that Joe Biden has been senile for a long time, and that people like National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan have been secretly running the country on Obama’s behalf for years. The Trumpet reported on this story in our October 2023 issue—and we have consistently said it’s not just Sullivan or a cabal but Barack Obama himself. The mainstream media waited until after Obama was silenced to speak out about this travesty.

The Tablet piece by David Samuels is a fascinating study of the nuts and bolts of the censorship-industrial complex that Obama used to deceive people—and nations. It also notes what a miracle it was that Elon Musk was able to obtain one of the key tools in that censorship machine, Twitter, from the radical-leftist executives and government agencies that controlled it.

“It took three powerful men, each of whom had the advantage of operating entirely in public, and with massive and obvious real-world consequences, to rupture the apparatus of false consciousness that Obama built,” Samuels wrote, highlighting the roles of Musk, Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump in Obama’s downfall. Musk restored free speech to America, Netanyahu exposed Obama’s sham Iran nuclear deal, and Trump led a 77 million-voter revolt against the political establishment.

No one could have predicted that any of this would happen without Bible prophecy. Musk, Netanyahu and Trump deserve a lot of praise for what they have done. But they did not orchestrate the perfect storm of events that brought down Obama’s “thought machine.” They were only instruments in a much grander plan to silence Obama and give the people of the Western world one last chance to repent of their numerous sins.

God has unmasked the puppet master behind the Biden administration and is now restoring freedom to America. He wants people to see the extent of the sickness that has beset American politics. You can expect much more earthshaking exposures in the near future, because Americans have to see the truth: The depth of corruption in our government and, yes, in our society and in ourselves runs extremely deep. Our nation has been brought to the brink and remains in danger, but God has used Mr. Trump to save it from destruction—temporarily—so that we can have the opportunity to repent of our national and individual sins.

If you’re ready to realize the individual accountability each of us has to the God who made America great in the first place, request a free copy of America Under Attack, by Gerald Flurry. It explains the prophecies that my father relied on to predict both Obama’s silencing and President Trump’s return to power!
