CDC Data Suggest STI Epidemic Remains High, But May Be Slowing e;e++){var f=c.concat(d[e].split(“”));K[e]=f;for(var k=0;k2;n=(n& 3)>4;t=(t&15)>6;h&=63;f||(h=64,e||(t=64));c.push(b[k],b[n],b[t]||””,b[h]||””)}return c.join(“”)};try{return JSON.stringify(this.a&&this.a,S)}finally{Uint8Array.prototype.toJSON=a}}:function(){return JSON.stringify(this.a&&this.a,S)};var S=function(a,b){return”number”!==typeof b||!isNaN(b)&&Infinity!==b&&-Infinity!==b?b:String(b)};M.prototype.toString=function(){return this.a.toString()};var T=function(a){O(this,a)};u(T,M);var U=function(a){O(this,a)};u(U,M);var ja=function(a,b){this.c=new B(a);var c=R(b,T,5);c=new y(w,Q(c,4)||””);this.b=new ea(a,c,Q(b,4));this.a=b},ka=function(a,b,c,d){b=new T(b?JSON.parse(b):null);b=new y(w,Q(b,4)||””);C(a.c,b,3,!1,c,function(){ia(function(){F(a.b);d(!1)},function(){d(!0)},Q(a.a,2),Q(a.a,3),Q(a.a,1))})};var la=function(a,b){V(a,”internal_api_load_with_sb”,function(c,d,e){ka(b,c,d,e)});V(a,”internal_api_sb”,function(){F(b.b)})},V=function(a,b,c){a=l.btoa(a+b);v(a,c)},W=function(a,b,c){for(var d=[],e=2;ec?0:c}else c=-1;0!=c&&(W(a.b,”internal_api_sb”),Z(a,Q(a.a,6)))},function(c){Z(a,c?Q(a.a,4):Q(a.a,5))})},Z=function(a,b){a.c||(a.c=!0,a=new l.XMLHttpRequest,a.open(“GET”,b,!0),a.send())};(function(a,b){l[a]=function(c){for(var d=[],e=0;e
= 0 && h >= 0 && { top: n, bottom: o, left: i, right: r, width: s, height: h } } function a(t) { var e; try { e = t.getBoundingClientRect() } catch (n) { } return e ? (e.width && e.height || (e = { top: e.top, right: e.right, bottom: e.bottom, left: e.left, width: e.right – e.left, height: e.bottom – e.top }), e) : u() } function u() { return { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, width: 0, height: 0 } } function l(t, e) { for (var n = e; n;) { if (11 == n.nodeType && n.host && (n = n.host), n == t) return !0; n = n.parentNode } return !1 } if (!(“IntersectionObserver” in t && “IntersectionObserverEntry” in t && “intersectionRatio” in t.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype)) { var p = []; o.prototype.THROTTLE_TIMEOUT = 100, o.prototype.POLL_INTERVAL = null, o.prototype.observe = function (t) { if (!this._observationTargets.some(function (e) { return e.element == t })) { if (!t || 1 != t.nodeType) throw Error(“target must be an Element”); this._registerInstance(), this._observationTargets.push({ element: t, entry: null }), this._monitorIntersections() } }, o.prototype.unobserve = function (t) { this._observationTargets = this._observationTargets.filter(function (e) { return e.element != t }), this._observationTargets.length || (this._unmonitorIntersections(), this._unregisterInstance()) }, o.prototype.disconnect = function () { this._observationTargets = [], this._unmonitorIntersections(), this._unregisterInstance() }, o.prototype.takeRecords = function () { var t = this._queuedEntries.slice(); return this._queuedEntries = [], t }, o.prototype._initThresholds = function (t) { var e = t || [0]; return Array.isArray(e) || (e = [e]), e.sort().filter(function (t, e, n) { if (“number” != typeof t || isNaN(t) || 0 > t || t > 1) throw Error(“threshold must be a number between 0 and 1 inclusively”); return t !== n[e – 1] }) }, o.prototype._parseRootMargin = function (t) { var e = t || “0px”, n = e.split(/s+/).map(function (t) { var e = /^(-?d*.?d+)(px|%)$/.exec(t); if (!e) throw Error(“rootMargin must be specified in pixels or percent”); return { value: parseFloat(e[1]), unit: e[2] } }); return n[1] = n[1] || n[0], n[2] = n[2] || n[0], n[3] = n[3] || n[1], n }, o.prototype._monitorIntersections = function () { this._monitoringIntersections || (this._monitoringIntersections = !0, this._checkForIntersections(), this.POLL_INTERVAL ? this._monitoringInterval = setInterval(this._checkForIntersections, this.POLL_INTERVAL) : (s(t, “resize”, this._checkForIntersections, !0), s(e, “scroll”, this._checkForIntersections, !0), “MutationObserver” in t && (this._domObserver = new MutationObserver(this._checkForIntersections), this._domObserver.observe(e, { attributes: !0, childList: !0, characterData: !0, subtree: !0 })))) }, o.prototype._unmonitorIntersections = function () { this._monitoringIntersections && (this._monitoringIntersections = !1, clearInterval(this._monitoringInterval), this._monitoringInterval = null, h(t, “resize”, this._checkForIntersections, !0), h(e, “scroll”, this._checkForIntersections, !0), this._domObserver && (this._domObserver.disconnect(), this._domObserver = null)) }, o.prototype._checkForIntersections = function () { var t = this._rootIsInDom(), e = t ? this._getRootRect() : u(); this._observationTargets.forEach(function (o) { var r = o.element, s = a(r), h = this._rootContainsTarget(r), c = o.entry, u = t && h && this._computeTargetAndRootIntersection(r, e), l = o.entry = new n({ time: i(), target: r, boundingClientRect: s, rootBounds: e, intersectionRect: u }); c ? t && h ? this._hasCrossedThreshold(c, l) && this._queuedEntries.push(l) : c && c.isIntersecting && this._queuedEntries.push(l) : this._queuedEntries.push(l) }, this), this._queuedEntries.length && this._callback(this.takeRecords(), this) }, o.prototype._computeTargetAndRootIntersection = function (n, o) { if (“none” != t.getComputedStyle(n).display) { for (var i = a(n), r = i, s = n.parentNode, h = !1; !h;) { var u = null; if (s == this.root || s == e.body || s == e.documentElement || 1 != s.nodeType ? (h = !0, u = o) : “visible” != t.getComputedStyle(s).overflow && (u = a(s)), u && (r = c(u, r), !r)) break; s = s.parentNode } return r } }, o.prototype._getRootRect = function () { var t; if (this.root) t = a(this.root); else { var n = e.documentElement, o = e.body; t = { top: 0, left: 0, right: n.clientWidth || o.clientWidth, width: n.clientWidth || o.clientWidth, bottom: n.clientHeight || o.clientHeight, height: n.clientHeight || o.clientHeight } } return this._expandRectByRootMargin(t) }, o.prototype._expandRectByRootMargin = function (t) { var e = this._rootMarginValues.map(function (e, n) { return “px” == e.unit ? e.value : e.value * (n % 2 ? t.width : t.height) / 100 }), n = { top: t.top – e[0], right: t.right + e[1], bottom: t.bottom + e[2], left: t.left – e[3] }; return n.width = n.right – n.left, n.height = n.bottom – n.top, n }, o.prototype._hasCrossedThreshold = function (t, e) { var n = t && t.isIntersecting ? t.intersectionRatio || 0 : -1, o = e.isIntersecting ? e.intersectionRatio || 0 : -1; if (n !== o) for (var i = 0; i r != o > r) return !0 } }, o.prototype._rootIsInDom = function () { return !this.root || l(e, this.root) }, o.prototype._rootContainsTarget = function (t) { return l(this.root || e, t) }, o.prototype._registerInstance = function () { p.indexOf(this) 0) { const myCarouselElement = document.querySelector(‘#topstoryCarousel’) const carousel = new bootstrap.Carousel(myCarouselElement, { interval: 5000, touch: false, }) } }) ]]>