Supporting our military and their families is a sacred obligation of our nation and each of us as citizens — a debt we can never fully repay. This commitment unites all Americans — Democrats, Republicans and independents alike. Vice President Kamala Harris has been by President Biden’s side in the Oval Office, demonstrating unprecedented dedication to fulfilling this duty, delivering more benefits and health care, more quickly, to more veterans than ever before.

A key achievement of this administration is the Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act, which directly addresses the urgent health and welfare needs of our veterans, particularly those within the African American community. Recently, Biden announced that more than 1 million PACT Act-related claims have been granted, with some 900,000 veterans already receiving benefits — a significant number of whom are Black and Brown veterans.

African Americans have a proud legacy of service in the U.S. military, yet many veterans return home carrying invisible wounds — physical ailments and mental health challenges — that profoundly affect their lives and families. The PACT Act acknowledges this reality, especially for veterans exposed to toxic substances like Agent Orange, burn pits and concussions or other traumatic brain injuries.

The timing of the PACT Act is critical, as it addresses the stark disparities in health care access and outcomes for African American veterans. Studies have shown that Black veterans are more likely to suffer from conditions related to toxic exposure but often face barriers to care. This act not only expands health care access, but also dismantles these barriers, ensuring that every veteran, regardless of race, receives the care they deserve.

Harris, who grew up in a middle-class family with a working mother, understands the challenges military families face. Her personal experiences have fueled her deep commitment to ensuring that these families receive the support they need. In 2023 alone, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) delivered $163 billion in earned benefits to 6.3 million veterans and survivors, processed a record 1.98 million disability claims, provided over 116 million health care appointments, performed 5.5 million dental procedures and supported more than 74,000 family caregivers.

Harris has championed initiatives that protect veterans and their families from predatory actors, lower health care costs, expand eligibility and improve equity within the VA system. But her advocacy doesn’t stop there. She has also been at the forefront of efforts to reduce veteran suicide, improve the overall veteran experience, and advance economic security for military spouses, caregivers and survivors.

By addressing these critical issues, Harris is laying the groundwork for systemic change that empowers veterans and their families. Economic empowerment is especially pressing within the African American community, and the vice president recognizes the importance of bridging the economic divide. Through support for job training and education tailored to veterans, she is helping to uplift entire families and communities.

The PACT Act is more than just a health care initiative; it opens doors to vocational training and employment opportunities, equipping veterans with the skills they need to thrive in the civilian workforce. By investing in our veterans, we invest in the future of our communities. Vice President Harris’ dedication to ensuring these opportunities are accessible to all veterans reflects her deep commitment to justice and equality.

In contrast to the previous administration, where Donald Trump often exhibited a troubling attitude toward military service and veterans — undermining the dignity of our troops, mocking Gold Star families and providing inconsistent support for veterans’ programs — Kamala Harris’ commitment stands as a necessary corrective.

Harris’ dedication to military families, epitomized by the PACT Act, represents a transformative step forward. It acknowledges the sacrifices made by our veterans, particularly within the African American community, and sets a new standard for how we care for them. This legislation is a promise to honor our heroes and ensure that no veteran is left behind.

As we move forward, let us embrace this moment with urgency. The fight for justice and support for our veterans continues, and together, we can forge a path where every service member and their family receive the honor and care they have earned. Our commitment to our troops and their families reflects the strength and resilience of our communities and our nation. Let us stand united in this vital endeavor, ensuring that our military families are supported, empowered and honored.

Charles Frank Bolden Jr. is a retired United States Marine Corps major general and a former Marine aviator, test pilot and astronaut. He flew on four space shuttle missions and is a former administrator of NASA.
